Feeling Overwhelmed?

It might surprise you to discover that quilters, from beginning to accomplished levels, go through phases of feeling overwhelmed, which may lead to uncertainty and frustration. Do not let this feeling lead to despair. I have some tips to help you. The goal is to enjoy this magical, wonderful world where we get to create.

We can create anything! That is both a blessing and a problem. When something is new to us and we don’t have full comprehension, too many options can feel overwhelming. We can get hung up on which option is right.

What kind of quilt should I make? I heard about piecing, but also paper piecing, and then wasn’t there some other kind of piecing? …  I want to do applique, but I’ve heard there is needle-turn applique, raw-edge, something using fusible …. and on and on. It is sometimes difficult for me to decide what applique technique I want to use, and I now have a good understanding of all techniques. Before I understood the steps for each one, this confused me to the point of being frustrated instead of enjoying the process. So, choose one. Whether it is the one method you end up liking is not relevant at this point. Just do one thing and learn it. Do it on one block instead of an entire quilt so you won’t have much invested in money and time. Adapt this mindset to all choices quilting related.

1)     Create a fun, small notecard to put in your work area or on a bulletin board that reads, “Options Are Blessings! Choose one.” Make this a mindset.

2)     Keep a Notebook
Start one notebook, “What I am Learning.” Back to the applique example: I started my first page of that section by listing the methods I had heard of, knowing I might need to add to that list. Then I left some pages to fill in the basics for each technique as I learned. But I didn’t rush myself to get that information. Somehow knowing there were spots in my notebook, and it would become clearer one day, helped me to calm myself.

3)     Make a “To Do” List
Some people are not list people, but if you are, you know this helps you review what you want to do, prioritize your list, and be more efficient. If I don’t have a list, I bounce from one thing to another.

4)     Change your landscape
When your mind gets bogged down, go for a walk or go someplace different. You will be surprised at how much clearer you can think, and some of your most inspiring thoughts come when you least expect them.

5)     Schedule “training and learning” time
Many of us enjoy watching video tutorials but guilt ourselves for watching instead of doing. Wrong! This is an important part of your doing. If you schedule how much time you think you can allow, then you enjoy it more, yet stop when your time is up, and move onto other things.

A card; a list; a spiral notebook; planning the time you can devote to training and social media; plus rejuvenating yourself with a change of scenery – these simple five things will help you enjoy everything quilting rather than feeling overwhelmed.

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Horizontal Backing Seams Preferred by Longarmer


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